Brits Abroad Rack up Medical Bills of £3.9 Million per week
Added 05/10/2018
This is Why you Need Travel Insurance!
According to research by the Association of British Insurers, UK travel insurers paid out around £3.9 million per week for emergency medical treatment of British tourists abroad last year.
The research showed that 159,000 Brits claimed on their travel insurance for medical treatment abroad, costing insurers a total of £201 million.
Travellers should be aware of the potential cost of medical treatment abroad and make sure that they are always properly insured, including declaring existing medical conditions.
Treatment in the US and on cruises can be particularly expensive. For example, a 15 day stay in hospital in the USA on a ventilator after a stroke cost £233,000 and a man who suffered a heart attack on a cruise ship racked up a bill of £202,000 after being airlifted from the ship.
These figures highlight how important it is to have appropriate travel insurance in place, don’t just assume that it won’t happen to you; it might, and if it does the costs can be life changing if you are not insured.