Allergy Awareness week: Travel insurance cover for allergies
Added 24/04/2013

This week (22nd April — 29th April 2013) is Allergy Awareness Week, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to talk about travel insurance cover for allergic reactions and allergy sufferers.
Allergy Awareness Week is organised by Allergy UK to draw attention to the plight of allergy sufferers throughout the UK.
Around 21 million adults in the UK suffer from at least one allergy and the number of allergy sufferers is rising steadily, with numbers increasing by 5% each year and half of those affected being children.
Although symptoms for allergies such as hay fever, the most common form of allergy in the UK which affects one in four of the population, are irritating rather than dangerous (sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose and itching) other allergies such as nut or food allergies can cause more extreme and/or life threatening reactions.
If you are suffering symptoms of an allergy your first point of call should be your GP. They will be able to refer you to a specialist allergy clinic that will help you identify what it is you are allergic to.
Although there is no cure for an allergy, if you know exactly what it is that causes the allergic reaction you can use avoidance techniques to manage your symptoms.
Allergies, holidays and travel insurance
If you do suffer from an allergy it’s important to make sure that it is covered by your travel insurance, that way, if you do suffer an allergic reaction on holiday your medical costs will be covered.
You may also need to research your holiday destination to see how it could affect your allergy. can provide travel insurance cover for all types of allergies, including hay fever, nut, drug and food allergies.
To ensure that your allergy is covered by your travel insurance you must declare it to us. As long as you have declared your allergy, fully and accurately, our travel insurance will provide cover for the cost of emergency medical treatment connected to your allergy, including life threating reactions and anaphylaxis.
Prices for a 40 year old with a nut allergy going to Greece for a week start at just £14.54 where there is no risk of a life threatening reaction.
For a nut allergy sufferer at risk of life threatening reactions, who has required hospital treatment in the last year, cover starts at £35.93.
Get a travel insurance quote to cover your allergies.
*Prices correct at time of writing.