Money and Possessions - Advice for Travellers

When you travel abroad, it's easy to get caught up in the adventure of new sights and sounds and to lose your sense of awareness. There's nothing worse than losing your belongings or having them stolen when you're on holiday.

Your money and possessions can add to the overall enjoyment of your holiday, so it's important to keep them safe. If you lose your camera, you could get a new one, but how would you replace all the wonderful photographs of your holiday?

Thieves can sometimes target travellers. Carrying money and expensive equipment such as cameras and mobile phones can make you an easy target. A few tried and tested tricks will ensure the safety of your belongings.

Your money and possessions - things to remember:

  • Get comprehensive travel insurance to cover the loss or theft of your belongings - can cover all types of travellers of any age, including those with pre existing medical conditions
  • Only carry small amounts of cash and stash some in a hidden pocket or money belt
  • Sew hidden pockets into your clothing in places where thieves are least likely to look
  • Take some local money with you so that you know it has come from a reputable source
  • Avoid buying money on the black market - you could end up with counterfeit notes
  • Store valuables in your hand luggage in case your hold luggage gets lost
  • Use a padlock to keep your luggage secure
  • Put a colourful ribbon on your hold luggage so that you can easily identify it. It will prevent other travellers from accidentally making off with your suitcase
  • If your hotel has a safe, use it. Store your credit cards, money or camera in the safe whenever you aren't using them
  • Keep expensive equipment out of sight or close to your body when not in use
  • Don't carry your belongings in obvious bags - laptop bags and shoulder purses are crying out to be stolen
  • Don't wear expensive clothing as thieves are more likely to target you
  • Carry copies of your passport, tickets and travel documents in case you lose them. Email copies to yourself so that you can access them at local internet cafes
  • Sometimes thieves work in pairs, so keep an eye out for suspicious double acts
  • If you are unfortunate enough to become the victim of a theft, alert the police immediately
  • If your possessions are not essential to your trip, the best way to look after them is to leave them at home